Monday 28 December 2015

Wednesday 16 December 2015

We collected Chennai flood relief materials all over Tirunelveli.

We collected flood relief materials all over Tirunelveli. We collected materials valued more than 3 lakh rupees along with the support of smile trust. we collected more than 1500 dress including cloths for kids, biscuits, candles, sanitary napkin, women’s inner, milk powder, towels, bed sheets, cocking oil, rice, pasta, drinking water bottles, matches, torch, medicine and plastic boxes etc.
மழையால் பாதிக்கப்பட்ட சென்னை, கடலுாா் மாவட்ட மக்களுக்கு - Tirunelveli Halwa Online Order , SMILE TRUST சாா்பாக 3லட்சம் மதிப்பிலான உணவு, தண்ணீா், உடை வழங்கப்பட்டது.
#chennairains #chennaiflood